Travel and Art: Inspired By Madeira Beach in Madeira Beach, Florida. Painting by Alexandra Wuyke - Boston Artist.
This painting is an original acrylic piece of the sunset at Madeira Beach, Florida. There is nothing like watching the sunset from your favorite place and enjoying the quiet pleasures it can install within you. When capturing the sunset at this Florida beach, I was greeted with bright pinks, oranges, and reds that lined the sky - and an enchanting image I had to recreate in a one-of-a-kind painting.
Using a layering of acrylic paints, I infused many colors together to recreate this Sunset at Madeira Beach Painting. Travel art never goes out of style and can give your home unique wall decor that inspires adventure.

Do you have a favorite sunset picture? I would love to help you recreate it into an original acrylic piece and bring it to life on your walls. Contact me to discuss a custom piece!